My Core Word Programme Week 10 - "Where"

My Core Word Programme Week 10 - "Where"

My Core Word Programme is based on the 40 first core words that a neurotypical child would learn. The curriculum consists of 36 sessions of speech and language content that I have designed specifically for the Gestalt Language Processors and pre/non verbal children in your care. The programme includes three different symbol languages, so whether you use Board Maker, Symbolstix or Widget, it is suitable for all.

This week, we’re focusing on the core question word “Where.” This word can help our learners with developing inquiry skills, information seeking, and engaging in conversation.

Read on to see how I am teaching and modelling "Where" in my classrooms.

Each weekly session includes links to Attention Autism planning, sensory story suggestions, phrase examples, interactive games and more.

The sessions are completely flexible and adaptable to any communication method or classroom needs, so that your learner(s) can get the most from the content.

Both books feature the core word repetitively, and have beautiful, eye-catching illustrations. "Where's Mrs Ladybird" also features core words from previous sessions "she, he" and "you", meaning that we are building up our children's vocabularies as we progress through the programme.

  • In my interactive game, children are asked to identify "where" certain animals are. These interactive games are great as they allow children to play whilst learning, and give you a chance to assess their understanding of the core word as they play.

  • Each week, links are included to fun clips of film, TV and music where the cord word is used.

  • There are writing tasks which can be printed or completed online depending on the needs of your learners.

It is always a great time to join in with my programme, you can start at any time and work through the sessions, and there is a thriving private Facebook group where you can find support, tips, ideas and community.

Check out my blog posts here to see what I've done during previous weeks of the curriculum, or my TikTok, Facebook or Instagram for lots more Core Word content.

You can buy the full programme, or individual sessions. If you'd like to try before you buy, you can access a free demo here.


Attention Autism for Core Word Week 10 - "Where"

In my Core Word Programme this week it is the turn of the word "Where". This word can help our learners to develop their information seeking & inquiry skills, and allow them to engage in conversation.

Read on to see how I've been modelling "Where" in my Attention Autism sessions. It’s important to not ask direct questions that our emerging communicating learners won’t be able to answer, so instead good practise is to opt for “I wonder” questions instead. 

Stage 1 

Beginning with bucket time activity, I pump up a rocket balloon. Letting it go, I say "I wonder where it went". 

The next item in stage 1 was a silly blue button that makes a fun noise every time it is pressed. I pressed this button against my head, my tummy, and my knee, at times exclaiming "I wonder where it will go next!"

Last in the stage 1 activity was a dinosaur that when it is squeezed, pops balls across the room. With this toy, every time the balls pop out, I say "I wonder where it went!". 


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