Halloween ideas for Sensory Learners

Halloween ideas for Sensory Learners

Halloween Activities for Sensory Learners

Supplies Needed

  • 1 small pumpkin Or 1 1/2-2 cups pumpkin guts if you are using a large pumpkin
  • 15 oz bottle of PVA glue
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2- 1 tablespoon contact solution


Making Pumpkin Slime inside of a pumpkin

  • Cut the top off the pumpkin and loosen all the gut in the pumpkin. Remove half the guts to make room for the slime.
  • Pour the glue, water, and baking soda into the pumpkin and stir until its combined.
  • Slowly you stir in the contact solution until the slime bins up to the consistency you like.
  • Store in an airtight container.

Making pumpkin slime in a bowl

  • In a large bowl add 1 1/2 to 2 cups of pumpkin guts.
  • Pour the glue, water, and baking soda into the bowl and stir until its combined.
  • Slowly you stir in the contact solution until the slime binds up to the consistency you like.
  • Store in an airtight container.

  1. Shaving foam
  2. A baking tray
  3. Dried black beans
  4. A spoon or wooden lolly stick
  1. Squirt shaving foam dots about 2 inches apart on your tray
  2. Use the spoon or stick to carefully smooth the foam down slightly to make a teardrop shape
  3. Add two dried black beans to each one for the eyes
  4. Pop the tray in the freezer overnight
  5. Explore the frozen ghosts on the tray or watch them melt away in water



  1. Jelly mixture (ideally green)
  2. Boiling water
  3. Plastic toys
  4. Large plastic mixing bowl
  1. Make up enough jelly mixture to nearly fill the bowl.
  2. Add the plastic snakes, spiders, or frogs
  3. Place in fridge overnight
  4. Children to explore as soon as the jelly is set, you can pour own the jelly into a sensory tray or leave in the bowl as is.

  1. Food Colouring
  2. Sensory tray
  3. Plastic halloween items
  4. Water
  1. Add water to your sensory tray
  2. Stir in green food colouring and stir
  3. Add in your plastic toys, maybe glitter too?
  4. Adding bicarbonate and vinegar makes it fizz
  5. Adding lustre glitter makes it swirl

  1. Pumpkin guts
  2. Sandwich bag
  1. Place pumpkin insides into a ziplock bag
  2. Children that don't like to be messy can explore the sensory elements without getting messy
  3. Great for babies or children who like to eat or mouth everything too!

  1. Playdough or saltdough
  2. pipe cleaners
  3. googly eyes
  4. mini marshmallows or beads
  1. Leave items out in separate containers, have a few examples that you have made as the invitation to explore
  2. See what they create!

  1. Pasta Bows (dry)
  2. Black paint
  3. Rice (dry)
  4. Alcohol gel
  5. Orange food colouring
  1. Place pasta bows in a ziplock bag with a large squirt of black paint. Shake until well covered. Lay out on a washable service to dry overnight
  2. Place rice into a separate ziplock bag, squirt alcohol gel generously and orange food colouring. Shake until well covered. Lay out on a tray overnight until dry.
  3. Once dry, pour into a sensory tray to combine

On the Storage Drive:

purchase here 


Have fun!

Remember to tag @sensoryclass in all of your creations so I can see ans share!

Jordan xx

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