Core word week 5 - "More"

Core word week 5 - "More"


This week, week 5, the core word is "More". A powerful word that can be used to express needs and desires, "More" allows learners to communicate their preferences and requests, for example by asking for more time, or more food.

Read on to see what is included in this weeks session, and how I'm teaching and modelling "More" for my classrooms.

In every session there is recommendations for sensory stories, classroom activities, play, writing tasks (if appropriate), TV clips demonstrating the word and more!

The book that I have chosen for the core word "more" is the classic and lovely "Guess how much I love you" by Sam McBratney. Although the book doesn't actually have the word "More" in, the story has great examples of the concept in action, and provides a great opportunity to model using it.

There is an interactive game included which has 3 different versions depending on the symbol language used in your classroom/ with the children in your care. The game allows your learners to hear different people requesting 'more' and then give them the item they are asking for.

There are clips from film, TV and music demonstrating "more".

If appropriate for your learners, there are writing tasks, which can be completed either on paper or on an iPad/tablet.


If you're new to my Core Word Programme, its 36 sessions covering 40 core words that neurotypical children would learn. Designed for Gestalt Language processors, AAC users, and non/pre-verbal children, the sessions help you to model and share these core words with children in your care, and is suitable for all communication methods.

You can buy the full programme for £35, or individual sessions for £2.00. If you'd like to test it for your learners, you can try a free session for Week 1 "I want". If you'd like to see what I've done for my previous weeks, you can check out my blog posts here.

I'd love to know how you incorporate "more" into your daily activities!

  • What activities help reinforce the use of “More” for your students?
  • What have you tried thats been unsuccessful?

Let me know by commenting on the blog post, following along on TikTok or Instagram, or by joining the private Facebook group for programme users.

P.S you may have noticed the spook-tacular "Inclusion isn't scary" jumper that I am wearing in these photos. Part of my new halloween collection, you can check these and the full range out here!

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